Live Access

Platform access


Dear customers,

The situation is back to normal, all mentions are being indexed in a timely manner for a while now
We apologize for the inconvenience and would like to thank you for your patience

Best regards
The Support Team


Dear customers,

You should now be able to access your platform again.
However please note that we’re still experiencing some delay with mentions indexation.
We are working on this right now and hope to have it fixed very soon!

Best regards
The Support Team

Rozpoznany problem

Our hosting provider is currently encountering technical issues.
We were given an estimated time to recovery of 1 hour, we’ll then monitor the situation to ensure the stability of service on our end.
We will keep informed on the progress


Dear customers,

Some of you might be facing access issues with Digimind Social since a few minutes
We are investigating right now and hope to have it fixed very soon
We apologize for the inconvenience and are doing our best to restore access as soon as possible

Thanks so much for bearing with us during this downtime.

Best regards
The Support Team