
Twitter indexation


Dear customers,

We identified the issue and were able to push a fix to resume Twitter collection on impacted queries yesterday evening.

The queries are now running as excepted but we are still working on some specific cases.
Feel free to reach the support team if you need further assistance.

Historical requests has been launched to fill the gap on the impacted queries.

We’ll keep monitoring the situation the coming days to ensure that everything is running well.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we dealt with this matter
Best regards
Support Team


Dear customers,

It recently came to our attention that some queries were not providing the latest Twitter results.
We’re currently investigating it with top priority and we’re doing our best to restore the service to it’s fullest as soon as possible.

Please note that the issue is not generalized to every topic/queries.

We apologize for the inconvenience and would like to thank you for your patience.
More information to come soon.

Best regards,
Your Support Team